The Sunday School picnic is an outdoor service followed by food and games. A fun time for the whole family! Watch for it in May or June.
Hunter Sunday caters to the hunter, fisherman and outdoors enthusiast with a special service (11:00 a.m.) followed by a wild food potluck.
KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 6 VBS is a fun week of Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, fun activities and of course snacks. It is held annually during summer break and is geared for Kindergarten to Grade 6
Hodgson bible Church Christmas concert
Each year children, youth and adults participate in bringing a concert to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Whether you have a part in the program or come and enjoy the concert, we want to help you focus on what Christmas is all about.
For Specific dates of these annual events watch for posters, check the calendar or contact us.